1357. An arithmetic teaching aid, some say that it was used to teach students how to read numbers, others think it was also used to practice addition and subtraction.
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1358. This is a live bird trap. Trap shooting got its name from these devices, they held a bird that was released by pulling the lever. The small door was used to put the bird inside.
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1359. This box was for holding surveyor equipment, it's missing the straps and separators for keeping the equipment secure. It was used when packing (horses) into an area.
1360. A Taylor Torpedo Smoker, it's threaded into a hole in the ground to smoke out an animal.
1361. A leaf spring lubricator, it was driven into a leaf spring and a little oil was poured into the slot, which delivered it to a location deep within the spring.
The other side reads "6 inch spring oiler, drop forged steel".
1362. A hand lead-line, it was used on a ship to measure the depth of the water.
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